The news of the national project

Main news
Regional news

In 2023, over 975 thousand linear meters sidewalks will be built and repaired under the national project

Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Russian regions, not only bring the road surface into a regulatory state, but also equip the transport infrastructure. In particular, much attention is paid to the repair and construction of sidewalks on regional and local roads. Many sections will have footpaths this year for the first time.

The concept of «reference road network» has been introduced into Russian legislation

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law creating the legal basis for the formation of a reference network of roads in Russia by September 1, 2024. The correspondingdocument is published on the official portal of legal information.

More than 600 km of roads leading to sports facilities will be updated according to the national project in 2023

According to the national project «Safe Quality Roads», measures are ongoing to bring road sections leading to sports facilities to the standards. Now most of them are undergoing active road work.

In the Belgorod region, a modifier based on rubber crumbs is used at the objects of the road national project

Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Veidelevsky District of the Belgorod Region, repair work continues on the section of the Popasny – Rivne highway. In order for the asphalt concrete to be stronger, a special modifier «Unirem» is added to the mixture.

In the Vladimir region, a section of the Orgtrud – Lemeshki highway was repaired

Thanks to the implementation of the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in Vladimir, a section of the Lemeshki – Orgtrud route was repaired. The length of the facility ― 4 km.

Thanks to the national project, technological traffic lights appear on the country's roads

On August 5, Traffic Light Day is celebrated worldwide. Exactly 109 years ago, the first predecessor of modern devices appeared in the American city of Cleveland, Ohio. It had red and green lights, and when switching lights emitted an audible signal.