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Federal project «Regional and local road network»

Satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of highways, % (ORR indicator)

Satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of highways, % (ORR indicator)

50% 2024

60% 2030

The share of the road network of 105 urban agglomerations in the normative state, % (indicator of the OZR)

The share of the road network of 105 urban agglomerations in the normative state, % (indicator of the OZR)

85% 2024

85% 2030

The share of the road network of urban agglomerations formed by cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people in the Far Eastern Federal District (35 cities), in a normative state, % (implementation from 2025)

The share of the road network of urban agglomerations formed by cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people in the Far Eastern Federal District (35 cities), in a normative state, % (implementation from 2025)

24.3% 2025

85% 2030

The share of the road network of small urban agglomerations (100-200 thousand people, 51 cities) in the normative state, % (implementation from 2025)

The share of the road network of small urban agglomerations (100-200 thousand people, 51 cities) in the normative state, % (implementation from 2025)

49% 2025

85% 2030

The share of highways of regional or intermunicipal significance in the normative state, %

The share of highways of regional or intermunicipal significance in the normative state, %

54% 2024

60% 2030

The share of roads of the regional backbone network in the regulatory state (implementation from 2025)

The share of roads of the regional backbone network in the regulatory state (implementation from 2025)

74.8% 2025

85% 2030

Construction and reconstruction of highways of regional or intermunicipal, local significance, km has been carried out

Construction and reconstruction of highways of regional or intermunicipal, local significance, km has been carried out

880.6 2025

1200 2030

The share of domestic equipment (goods, works, services) in the total volume of purchases, %

The share of domestic equipment (goods, works, services) in the total volume of purchases, %

88.22% 2024

70% 2030

The length of man-made structures brought into the normative state, thousand square meters (implementation from 2022)

The length of man-made structures brought into the normative state, thousand square meters (implementation from 2022)

139.3 2024

290 2030