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Content Terms of Use

Site Content Terms of Use https://en.bkdrf.ru/

1. Copying information posted on the https://en.bkdrf.ru/ website (as well as quoting in the media of certain information or messages contained in the information sections of the https://en.bkdrf.ru/ website) is allowed provided that a link to the source of such information is indicated (in the online media - hyperlinks to the corresponding Internet page with a unique network address).

2. All site materials are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

3. Organizations wishing to place a hyperlink to the https://en.bkdrf.ru/ website in order to use their Internet resource as an element of the information (content) structure, as well as in the form of a graphic link (banner), must notify the press service about this.

4. When placing graphic links (banners), only graphic elements agreed in writing with the press service can be used.

5. When clicking on hyperlinks posted on the site, the user leaves the site to information resources external to the https://en.bkdrf.ru/. The press service is not responsible for the accuracy of information constituting information resources external to the https://bkdrf.ru/, as well as for the updating and frequency of updating the relevant information in their composition.

6. Questions related to the procedure for using the information posted on the https://en.bkdrf.ru/ or the terms of this Notice may be sent to the press service.