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Dynamic of indicators

Target metrics of the national project «Safe Quality Roads»

1. The percentage of highways of regional significance that meet regulatory requirements (taking into account Moscow and St. Petersburg)

51 %
(end of 2023)

53 %

end of 2024

43.1 %

end of 2017

2. The percentage of the road network of urban agglomerations that are in the normative state

81 %
(end of 2023)

85 %

end of 2024

42 %

end of 2017

3. Satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of automobile roads (an indicator of a socially significant result)

47 %
(end of 2023)

50 %

end of 2024

41 %

end of 2019

4. The percentage of state contracts for the implementation of road activities within the framework of the national project, providing for the use of new technologies and materials included in the register of new and best technologies, materials and technological solutions for reuse

30 %
(end of 2023)

40 %

end of 2024

0 %

end of 2017

5. The percentage of state contracts for the implementation of road activities within the scope of the national project, providing for the execution of works on the principles of a life cycle contract with the inclusion of various types of road works in one contract

20 %
(end of 2023)

25 %

end of 2024

0 %

end of 2017

6. Reduction of mortality as a result of road accidents (number of deaths per 100 thousand population)

8.9 %
(end of 2023)

< 8.4 %

end of 2024

13 %

end of 2017

7. The percentage of highways of the Ministry of Defense of Russia that meet regulatory requirements

57 %
(end of 2023)

60 %

end of 2024

42 %

end of 2018

8. The percentage of vehicles in urban agglomerations (buses, trams, trolleybuses, commuter trains) upgraded within the scope of the federal project and having a service life of no more than the standard

7.1 %
(end of 2023)

11.4 %

end of 2024

0 %

end of 2020

9. The length of federal highways constructed and reconstructed by the Federal Road Agency

579.9 km
(end of 2023)

1285.2 km

end of 2024

0 km

end of 2020

10. The length of federal highways constructed and reconstructed by the State Company Russian Highways

272.17 km
(end of 2023)

616.1 km

end of 2024

59.5 km

end of 2020

Federal project «Regional and local road network"

Federal project «System-wide measures for the development of the road economy"

Federal project «Road safety"

Federal project «Roads of the Ministry of Defense of Russia"

Federal project «Development of public transport"

Federal project «Development of the federal backbone network"

The implementation of activities in the framework of the national project in 2022

1. Number of contracted facilities in 2022

95,68 %
4585 facilities


4792 facilities

* The number of facilities is indicated without reference and transitional sites; the total number of sites in 2022 - 5993.

2. Paving of the top layer of the road surface on the sites of 2022

71,65 %
75,5 million m²


105,37 million m²

3. Implementation of other inter-budget transfers (federal project "Regional and local road network")

80,55 %
209,04 billion rubles


259,51 billion rubles