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For the mass media

National project «Safe High-Quality Roads»

Roads of transformation

Today, positive changes are taking place in the country's road industry, which are witnessed by residents of all Russian regions. Large-scale repair work is being carried out not only on federal, but also on regional and local highways. The creation of a modern, comfortable and reliable transport infrastructure is one of the main tasks set for road workers by the head of state.

The main tool for achieving the strategic goal was the national project «Safe and High-Quality Roads», which started in 2019 and became a logical continuation of the joint work of federal and regional departments of the road economy. The impetus for their successful cooperation was given by the priority project «Safe High-Quality Roads», implemented in 2017-2018. in 36 regions. The national project significantly expanded its geography: it started in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow and St. Petersburg) and 104 urban agglomerations. The work began in four areas: federal projects «Regional and local road network», «System-wide measures for the development of the road economy», «Road safety», «Roads of the Ministry of Defense of Russia».

In 2021, the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads» not only changed its name, but also expanded its borders: 84 participating entities became, the St. Petersburg agglomeration joined them. And to the four federal projects included in its structure, two more were added: «Development of public transport» and «Development of the federal main network». In addition, the national project was extended until 2030 inclusive.

Results of the 2019 road season

In 2019, in 83 Russian regions, thanks to the national project, about 16 thousand km of roads were repaired, reconstructed and built.

In addition to the large-scale bringing of roads into a regulatory state, within the framework of the national project, a whole range of measures were carried out to equip transport infrastructure in the regions, which also made it possible to increase road safety.

So, in the first year of the project, more than 3.4 thousand traffic lights and almost 100 thousand road signs were installed in the Russian regions. more than 581 thousand units have been installed. m of barrier fencing, more than 284 thousand pog. m of pedestrian fencing and more than 608 thousand pog. m of lighting, as well as more than 3 million pog. m markings.

Results of the 2020 road season

In 2020, 16.5 thousand km of roads were repaired, reconstructed and built in 83 Russian regions thanks to the national project. Thanks to timely contracts and early spring in many regions, the work was completed ahead of schedule.

Within the scope of the federal project «Road Network», which is part of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», in 2020, work was carried out on more than 7 thousand objects. 145 million square meters of road surface within urban agglomerations, as well as on highways of regional significance have been brought into the regulatory state. This is commensurate with the area of 20,000 football fields.

One of the most important tasks in the implementation of the national project is the use of the best technologies and materials. During the repair work, practically in all regions, the best practices used on federal highways and proven to be effective are being actively implemented. More than half of the road repair contracts concluded in 2020 provided for the use of modern technologies.

Special attention is paid to measures to improve road safety. So, in 2020, more than 2.9 thousand traffic lights and about 173 thousand road signs were installed at the facilities of the national project «Safe and quality automobile roads», about 788 thousand meters of barrier and 319 thousand meters of pedestrian fencing were equipped, as well as more than 708 thousand meters of lighting. All this will help to save the lives and health of drivers and pedestrians.

The total financing of the federal project «Road Network» last year amounted to more than 300 billion rubles, of which more than 134 billion was federal support, taking into account additional allocated funds, and almost 172.5 billion were funds of regional road funds. Thus, an additional 100 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the road network of the regions of Russia in 2020, of which 52.5 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads».

Results of the 2021 road season

In 2021, the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads» was transformed: its geography expanded, two new federal projects were included in the structure, but the main goal remained unchanged ― improving the quality of life of Russians.

So, in 2021, according to the national project, about 16.5 thousand km of roads in 84 regions of the country were comprehensively updated.

The program of the federal project «Regional and Local Road Network» in 2021 included more than 6 thousand objects. In order to increase the level of economic connectivity of the country's territories from 2021, a new federal project ― «Development of the Federal Backbone Network» has been included in the updated structure of the national project. The program of his work for 2021 included 250 km of federal highways.

When forming the list of objects that should be repaired in the first place, the opinion of local residents was taken into account. In cities and district centers, public hearings were organized, polls were conducted in the media and social networks. Attention was also paid to the technical state of the sites and their social significance.

The life of new and updated road sections directly depends on the quality of work. Due to the increasing loads on the routes, the very principles of their design, as well as the technologies for the production of road surfaces, are changing. A big role in this matter is played by the rejection of outdated materials and the transition to modern solutions. In 2021, more than 66% of all contracts under the national project provided for the use of modern technologies.

In addition, in the regions, they increasingly began to conclude contracts on the principles of the life cycle, when the contractor not only carries out repairs, but also undertakes to maintain the site in proper condition for several subsequent years. That is why such contracts for road workers are a motivator for performing high-quality repairs, which subsequently will not have to be redone. In 2021, the share of contracts concluded on the principles of the life cycle amounted to 31.2%.

The safety of road users ― the most important component of the national project. So, in 2021, according to the national project, more than 172 thousand road signs were installed, over 2.5 thousand traffic lights, about 1.2 million pg. m of barrier fencing, more than 204 thousand pog. m of pedestrian fencing and more than 848 thousand pog. m of lighting. Also, experts have inflicted over 19 million pg. m markings.

Results of the 2022 road season

In addition, in the regions, they increasingly began to conclude contracts on the principles of the life cycle, when the contractor not only carries out repairs, but also undertakes to maintain the site in proper condition for several subsequent years. That is why such contracts for road workers are a motivator for performing high-quality repairs, which subsequently will not have to be redone. In 2021, the share of contracts concluded on the principles of the life cycle amounted to 31.2%.

The safety of road users ― the most important component of the national project. So, in 2021, according to the national project, more than 172 thousand road signs were installed, over 2.5 thousand traffic lights, about 1.2 million pg. m of barrier fencing, more than 204 thousand pog. m of pedestrian fencing and more than 848 thousand pog. m of lighting. Also, experts have inflicted over 19 million pg. m markings.

Also, according to the national project, construction and reconstruction of sections of federal highways is underway. In 2022, such work was carried out on 230 km of Rosavtodor roads, as well as on 60.3 km of toll roads of Avtodor Group of Companies. About 300 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes. federal funds.

To ensure safety in 2022, more than 198 thousand road signs were installed at the facilities of the national project, more than 1.4 million pg. m barrier and 241 thousand pog. m of pedestrian fencing, about 2.3 thousand traffic lights and more than 581 thousand pog. m of stationary lighting. More than 21 million pog were applied to the roadway. m markings, and along the roads more than 1.6 million pog. m sidewalks.

Roads for people

The key goal of the national project is to improve the quality of life of the population. That is why special importance is paid to the restoration of roads leading to socially significant objects.

In particular, over the four years of the implementation of the national project, more than 1900 sections of roads leading to medical institutions were brought into a regulatory state. Also, thanks to the national project in the regions of the country, in the period from 2019 to 2022, more than 3,200 sections of highways and highways leading to children's educational and leisure institutions were repaired and equipped, while most of the facilities are usually commissioned before the start of the new school year. In order to improve road safety near schools and kindergartens, work is carried out comprehensively: at facilities, in addition to repairing the roadway, specialists arrange pedestrian crossings, install traffic lights, barrier fencing and road signs, and also apply markings.

In addition, thanks to the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», unique architectural monuments, nature reserves and picturesque landscapes are becoming more accessible. Over four years, road workers have brought more than 1,200 regional highways and sections of the road network leading to local attractions to a regulatory state.

The project «Victory Street»

In 2020, the project «Victory Street» was launched — on the eve of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, road builders throughout the country made every effort to ensure that streets bearing the names of heroes or events of those times were put in order.

The patriotic action affected all the regions participating in the national project, as a result, more than 400 victory streets were included in the list of objects. So, in Sevastopol, one of the main city highways, Pobedy Avenue, has been brought into a normative state. In the Leningrad region, the road surface on the St. Petersburg - Morye highway, known as the «Road of Life», has been updated. During the Great Patriotic War, it was the only transport highway through Lake Ladoga. Large-scale works were carried out in the Krasnodar Territory: Zhukovsky and Mira streets were renovated in Novorossiysk, Chebrikov, Turchinsky, Yesaulenko and Gastello Streets were renovated in Sochi, and Volodya Golovaty, 40th Anniversary of Victory and 30th Irkutsk Division streets were renovated in Krasnodar.

The Victory Street project has become an initiative of a number of Russian regions. It was supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. An important task of the project was not only to bring city streets, avenues and squares into a normative state, but also to increase the attention of Russians to the history of our country, the feat of the Soviet people and the role of each region in the Great Patriotic War. 

All-Russian Online Olympiad

As part of the national project, on November 30, 2020, an online olympiad «Safe Roads» on knowledge of the basics of traffic rules for schoolchildren of grades 1-4 was launched in Russia. The event, organized within the scope of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», was held on the Uchi.ru platform and consisted of interactive training and test tasks. The event was organized by the Autonomous non-profit organization «National Priorities» together with the Main Directorate For Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and Rosavtodor.

 During two weeks, 2,246,220 schoolchildren from 85 regions took part in the online Olympiad. The online Olympiad «Safe Roads» has become one of the most popular competitions in the history of Uchi.ru, bringing together a record number of children. The students of the first grades coped best with the tasks, the third graders were the most difficult to complete the Olympiad. Tasks related to the knowledge of road signs turned out to be easier than others for schoolchildren, and most of all mistakes were made when answering the question about crossing a ground pedestrian crossing with a bicycle. At the end of the Olympiad, the participants received not only certificates and commemorative diplomas, but also knowledge of the basics of safe behavior on the roads. 

Bridges and overpasses

Today, an urgent problem of the regional road network is the condition of bridges and overpasses. As a rule, such facilities are a vital part of not only local, but also interregional transport infrastructure. The consequences of their destruction or simply the restriction of movement cause significant losses to the economy and significant inconvenience to the population.

To date, the number of artificial structures declared by the regions is 5.7 thousand units. The total length of emergency and pre-emergency bridges, overpasses and overpasses has increased to 290 thousand cubic meters. Based on this, the preliminary estimate of federal support for bringing these facilities into a regulatory state is 370 billion rubles.

By 2024, 200 billion will be allocated to the regions in order to bring 100 thousand cubic meters of bridges into the standard and another 87.8 billion for the construction of 121 overpasses.

The first steps to improve the condition of artificial structures on regional roads have already been taken ― this year, federal funds have already been allocated to some of the subjects to carry out work under the national project. At the same time, attention is paid to both large bridge structures and small, but very significant objects for the population.  

Interaction with the population

A distinctive feature of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads» is its openness to the public. During almost two years of implementation, residents of the country have become full participants in the development of road infrastructure: they have the opportunity to express their wishes and comments, monitor the work on-line.

During 2020, through various communication channels (the official Internet resource of the national road project, social networks, «Map of bad roads», the application «Public Services. Roads», etc.) about 11 thousand appeals concerning the implementation of the national project were received from residents of the regions (for comparison, there were about 6 thousand such appeals throughout 2019), and this indicates that interest in the road topic is growing. People are more actively involved in the discussion of new objects, make their suggestions. Many sections of roads in the regions have been repaired at the request of local residents. 

New transport to cities

Attention is also paid to the renewal of urban transport. In 2020, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, within the scope of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», began to assist the regions in updating passenger transport. Federal support was provided using the leasing mechanism — by granting carriers the right to purchase vehicles at a discount of 60% of their cost.

In 2020, more than 650 new buses, trolleybuses and trams appeared in 14 urban agglomerations: Belgorod, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo, Perm, Kazan, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Samara-Tolyatti, Cherepovets, Ulyanovsk and Izhevsk. In total, 60 urban agglomerations participating in the national project participated in the competition. Applications were evaluated according to more than 20 criteria, including the state of transport infrastructure, the use of cashless fare, price availability, and the development of gas filling infrastructure.   

Reformatting the national project

The national project «Safe High-Quality Roads» has been extended until 2030. Ambitious goals and large-scale tasks have been set for road workers. In 2021, it included two new federal projects: «Modernization of passenger transport in urban agglomerations» and «Development of the federal highway network». In accordance with the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation, given at the State Council on Roads in June 2019, the national project, starting from 2022 and in the horizon until 2030, will provide for measures for the repair and reconstruction of emergency and pre-emergency bridges and artificial structures, as well as measures for the construction of overpasses on regional and local roads. The measures will be implemented within the framework of the federal project «Regional and Local Road Network».

In addition, since 2021, the St. Petersburg agglomeration has joined the number of participants in the national project, and in 4 years the national project will significantly expand the borders. So, since 2025, the project includes tasks to bring up to 85% of roads in agglomerations with a population of 100 to 200 thousand people (51 agglomerations), as well as settlements of the Far Eastern Federal District with a population of more than 20 thousand people to the standard state by 2030.

The opinion of the residents of the country about the quality of the work carried out will also be taken into account in the project passport. The project has new indicators of citizens' satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of roads, the quality of transport services, as well as road safety.