The implementation of the national project will allow us to ensure the achievement of the main goal set by the head of state to the road workers - to create a high-quality and reliable transport infrastructure in the Russian regions.

The implementation of the national road project in the Perm Territory ― an important help for the development of other areas: education, medicine, culture, tourism. It helps to solve several problems at once: the number of accidents and places of their concentration is reduced, the number of roads operating in overload mode is reduced. Thus, road safety is increasing in the region.

The topic of roads is traditionally kept in the top five most popular among citizens' appeals in my social networks and social networks of government bodies. This is what really worries our people, what their social well-being depends on. And therefore, the national project «Safe Quality Roads» is a truly significant and significant tool to increase the economic activity of the region, its investment attractiveness and the quality of life of citizens. With its help, year after year, the appearance of the republic, the connectivity of its districts, the transport accessibility of hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and tourist destinations are developing are noticeably changing. In total, over 500 km of roads have been repaired in Udmurtia under the national project. But another thing is valuable - an important role in the project is given to the road users themselves.They participate in all stages - from the selection of objects to the acceptance of work. Transparency of all processes, prompt informing of people and clear social orientation of each object arouse confidence among our residents. It is no coincidence that the national project «Safe Quality Roads» is the most recognizable among Russians.