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In 2024, more than two hundred road facilities will be commissioned under the national project after construction and reconstruction

3 Jul 2024

Thanks to the national project "Safe high-quality roads," large-scale measures are being implemented that help develop the economic potential of not only the regions, but also the country as a whole.

"The need for reconstruction and construction of large road facilities in the Russian regions is dictated by a significant increase in traffic flow, as well as the rapid pace of construction of residential neighborhoods. New roads and artificial structures will contribute to building more convenient logistics and solving problems in the social sphere, as well as open up new opportunities for business development. This year, thanks to the national project "Safe high-quality roads" in the constituent entities of the country, it is planned to build and reconstruct 212 facilities: 111 sections of highways and 101 artificial structures, "said Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

For 5.5 years, the national road project, initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, has been helping to put in order hundreds of sections of the road network of urban agglomerations and regional highways, which has a positive effect on the socio-economic development of Russian regions.

"New highways, city bypasses, interchanges and artificial structures not only modernize the country's transport complex, but also improve the quality of life of the population. They open up great opportunities for business development, contribute to the development of the tourism potential of the regions and strengthen ties, allow users to choose the best routes and reduce travel time. This year, road facilities with a total length of about 380 km will be built and reconstructed on the regional and local road network, "said the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Roman Starovoit.

Large-scale work on the development of the road network of Russian regions is being carried out thanks to uninterrupted federal funding. Therefore, many objects are often completed ahead of schedule.

"In 2024, 45.4 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of capital-intensive measures within the framework of the federal project" Regional and Local Road Network, "of which about 13 billion rubles are federal funds. Comprehensive support for the regions and close cooperation with project teams will allow achieving all established indicators by the end of the national project, "said Igor Kostyuchenko, deputy head of the Federal Road Agency.

So, in the Sverdlovsk region, the main work on the construction of an overpass across the railway on the 127th kilometer of the Yekaterinburg-Rezh-Alapaevsk highway has been completed. After the diagnosis, the specialists organized a technical launch of the movement.

The highway Yekaterinburg - Rezh - Alapaevsk is one of the most popular and busiest regional highways in the Middle Urals. For vehicles, this is the main "window" to the north-east of the region, so the traffic intensity in its individual sections reaches 26 thousand units of transport per day. At the same time, tense traffic slowed down the intersection with the railway at the same level and the crossing with a barrier near the village of Koptelovo.

The new overpass ensures the intersection of roads at different levels and radically solves the problem of congestion. Its design includes three spans of seven beams each. The length of the structure itself is 84 m, and the total length of the facility together with the approaches is 1.2 km. The overpass meets modern requirements and is designed to pass heavy vehicles.

Almost 630 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project. This is one of the largest launch facilities of the national project "Safe high-quality roads" in 2024 in the region. Construction was carried out ahead of schedule, thanks to this, it is planned to completely complete work on the overpass until July 2024 instead of December, as previously planned.

'I'm a motorcyclist and you feel the road very differently on the bike. The fewer obstacles on it, the better. With the launch of the overpass on the Rezhevsky tract, it has become much more convenient and safer to ride. The intersection of the road with tracks in two levels excludes all the dangers associated with the railway crossing, "said Alexei Skornyakov, president of the Rysi 66 motor club.

In the Novgorod region, by the end of the year, the reconstructed section of the Valdai - Demyansk highway will be commissioned. The contractor is transferring 32 km of gravel pavement to asphalt concrete.

Трасса обеспечивает транспортное сообщение между Валдайским районом и Демянским округом, по ней можно добираться до ряда населенных пунктов, а также до озера Селигер.

"The Valdai-Demyansk road, in addition to transport accessibility between the two municipalities, provides a significant tourist impetus in these territories. It runs parallel to the Great Valdai Trail, which attracts tens of thousands of tourists annually. Therefore, the creation of a comfortable and safe road infrastructure is a key task in the implementation of such a large-scale project, "said Konstantin Kuranov, Minister of Transport and Roads of the Novgorod Region.

Work on the facility began in 2023 and is being carried out in stages. Now construction teams are arranging a base made of crushed stone-sand-gravel mixture. In addition, outdoor lighting is being installed in areas passing through settlements, as well as laying asphalt concrete pavement.   

In the Moscow region of St. Petersburg, the construction of one of the largest infrastructure projects in the city, the Moscow-Danube transport interchange, continues. Now its construction readiness is 75%.

The opening of working traffic and the switching of traffic flows will significantly increase the throughput of highways at the intersection of Moskovsky Highway and Danube Avenue. The total length of the new section will be 1460 m, including an overpass with approaches 924 m long. As part of the arrangement, pavilions will be installed at public transport stops, pedestrian sidewalks and a bike path will be arranged.

Experts have completed the installation of two reinforced beams of the span of the future overpass across Danube Avenue. This is one of the most difficult and large-scale stages of the construction of a large infrastructure facility. The foundations of the bodies of the supports and retaining walls of the main passage and exits were installed, 7 thousand tons of metal structures of the superstructure were mounted. Work continues on the installation of the reinforcing frame, the pouring of the reinforced concrete slab of the carriageway and the construction of an asphalt concrete pavement on the overpass under construction and the overhaul of the tram track on Lensovet Street. The contractor is installing noise screens and barrier fencing, as well as erecting two underground pedestrian crossings.

"Improving the level of road safety and driver comfort are the main tasks that are being solved thanks to the construction of the interchange. Public supervisors systematically visit the construction site and get acquainted with the work process in an open dialogue mode. We see how the road workers are making every effort to minimize the inconvenience to residents during the construction of such a large infrastructure facility within the city, "said public controller Nikita Kvantaliani.

In the Kazinka area of ​ ​ the Lipetsk region, the construction of the last stage of the Eastern bypass of Lipetsk continues: a bridge across the Matyrskoye reservoir and 4 km of the road to the Lipetsk - Gryazi - Peskovatka highway. By the end of 2024, this section will close the ring around the regional center.

The first half of the 365-meter bridge on the Kazinka side with reinforced concrete load-bearing structures was built last year. Now at the finish line - the construction of the second part of the structure with metal span beams. Concrete work has been completed. Specialists are engaged in waterproofing the monolithic plate. Already in July, the contractor plans to lay asphalt concrete pavement here. In parallel, the installation of railing structures and a catchment system began. The work is carried out under the constant supervision of construction control.

On half of the road construction site from the bridge to the junction with the Lipetsk-Gryazi highway, the first layer of asphalt concrete has already been laid. For almost 1.5 km, sandy and crushed stone layers of the base are arranged.

The delivery of the closing section of the Lipetsk bypass is scheduled for December. On the other side, it will dock with a previously built section of the Eastern Bypass: this is another 8 km of a new road to the Oryol-Tambov highway and two transport interchanges.

A full-fledged transport ring around the regional center will simplify the logistics of freight transportation for industrial enterprises in Lipetsk, as well as reduce the number of transit vehicles within the city and the load on the existing road network.

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