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In 2024, 6,600 Units of New Public Transport Arrived in the Regions Thanks to the National Project

22 Nov 2024

Due to the implementation of the national project "Safe Quality Roads," initiated by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, new buses, trolleybuses, trams, and electric buses are arriving in Russian regions. A large-scale update of the rolling stock began in 2020. Over the past five years, approximately 13,000 vehicles have been delivered to the country's constituents.

"The work on updating public transport makes travel more comfortable for passengers and also aids in the sustainable development of settlements. To date, thanks to the national project 'Safe Quality Roads,' we have updated around 12,600 units of public transport. By the end of the year, this number is expected to reach approximately 13,400, including more than 12,200 buses, 427 trolleybuses, 421 trams, and 286 electric buses. We will continue to address the tasks of creating a convenient public transport system under the new national project 'Infrastructure for Life.' We need to increase the share of the public transport fleet, which has not exceeded its normative lifespan, to at least 85% in agglomerations and cities by 2030," stated Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

Currently, public transport vehicles are being delivered to the regions as part of the federal project "Development of Public Transport," specifically through subsidized leasing provided by JSC "GTLK" funded by federal resources and the National Wealth Fund, projects for the integrated development of urban electric transport under a concession model, the provision of special treasury loans, and also from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation. Co-financing from the federal budget allows regional carriers to lease environmentally friendly and comfortable transport designed for people with disabilities at significant discounts.

"In 2024, over 6,600 units of public transport were transferred to 69 regions of the country, including approximately 6,300 buses, 99 trolleybuses, 201 trams, and 43 electric buses. In total, by the end of the year, it is planned to update more than 7,400 units of rolling stock. I would like to emphasize that public transport is not only about providing comfortable travel for passengers. It supports domestic machine engineering, develops municipal transport enterprises and route networks, and creates new jobs. All of this together yields a positive socio-economic effect, improving the quality of life for Russians," noted the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Roman Starovoit.

For example, this year, 13 new "Peresvet" trolleybuses with autonomous operation have arrived in Izhevsk, some of which have already begun to operate on the longest city route No. 10D — from the Mashing Machine Builders settlement to Architect Bersh Street. The transport was purchased through subsidized leasing by JSC "GTLK" from federal resources. By the end of the year, an additional six trolleybuses are expected to arrive in Izhevsk under this program.

"I have been working as a driver for 37 years, during this time I have ridden various trolleybuses, I can appreciate different cars. The new Peresvet trolleybuses have a lot of advantages. For example, if we talk about drivers, then the seat is practically not regulated on older cars. Here I can adjust the seat and steering column for myself to make it comfortable. Previously, to adjust the mirrors, I had to go outside, but now I can adjust them from the driver's seat so that I can see everything. Well, the most important thing that not only us drivers like, but also passengers like, is the autonomous running. If there is some kind of accident on the road or the voltage is turned off, then in old cars you had to stop and wait for the road to clear. This is a delay on the way, delays, for people it is an additional waiting for transport at the bus stop. Similar problems with new equipment have been in the past," Ekaterina Kalinina, the driver of the Class I trolleybus, the master of operation of the rolling stock of the trolleybus fleet No. 2 of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Izhgorelectrotrans, shared her impressions.

Earlier, in 2020, according to the national project in Izhevsk, the tram fleet was updated, 16 modern wagons of the brand "Lion Cub" were purchased.

In early November, new Volgabus buses were launched on route lines 123 and 125 of Chelyabinsk, purchased as part of the provision of preferential leasing by GTLK JSC at the expense of the National Welfare Fund.

Up to 22 large–class cars will operate on route 123 Kopeysk – Gagarin Park (three reserve buses have been additionally allocated), and 16 medium—class cars (two reserve buses) on line 125 Kopeysk - Railway Station. Both routes make it possible to improve the most important link between Chelyabinsk and a large satellite city.

"I have been working as a driver for many years, the job is not easy, the responsibility is great for passengers. Of course, the new transport made the work easier, as if a second wind had opened. It is more convenient, more maneuverable, it is warm in the cabin, and people are more comfortable," driver Vladislav Ochedovsky shares his impressions.

In total, in 2024, thanks to the national project "Safe high-quality roads", 247 buses will be updated in the Chelyabinsk region according to various programs, of which 234 cars have already been delivered to the region.

Rolling stock is being actively updated in the Nizhny Novgorod Region as part of projects for the integrated development of urban electric transport according to the concession model. Work in this direction began in 2023, to date, 117 electric buses and 62 trams have been delivered to Nizhny Novgorod.

"We will use all possible support measures to upgrade rolling stock and develop public transport infrastructure, including mechanisms for infrastructure budget loans, preferential leasing using funds from the National Welfare Fund, special treasury loans. There is also a large—scale modernization of urban electric transport in Nizhny Novgorod: we are purchasing 170 new trams and completely renewing tram tracks - more than 149 kilometers. The supply of electric buses for Nizhny Novgorod routes continues — 120 units are planned to be purchased. It is important to note that the production of trams and parts of electric buses is established directly in the region. In addition, we are building new metro stations at the expense of infrastructure budget loans, and we are also developing a system of urban commuter trains. This is a large complex work, which not only solves pressing problems, but also lays the foundation for passenger transport infrastructure for years to come," said Gleb Nikitin, Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

For example, in February of this year, the T811 MiNiN trams, manufactured at the Nizhny Novgorod enterprise Nizhekotrans in Vorsma, began operating on eight city routes out of 10.

"I have been working on the MiNiN wagon since the very beginning. I'm not afraid to say — I was the first one who took it on the route. The new trams are comfortable and warm. And they differ in management, although they are simple. They have a lot of "highlights". I will note the basic things for the comfort of drivers and passengers. There are video cameras — it's actually very convenient, you always see what's going on in the car. There are also USB connectors in the Minin - not only in the cabin, but also in the driver's cabin," said Daria Nikolina, the tram driver.

Electric buses of the MiNiN and LiAZ brands also run in Nizhny Novgorod. They are very popular with the population, since the first electric buses came on line (in 10 months) they transported about 4 million passengers.

Thanks to the provision of special treasury loans, the Chuvash Republic has purchased 30 buses this year, 20 of them began running in Cheboksary on route No. 52 "Lesnaya Street – Richard Sorge Street" in October. It connects Kalininsky, Leninsky and Moskovsky districts, passes through the city center, which is a place of attraction for tourists. During the operation, large-class vehicles transported more than 330 thousand passengers.

The main advantages of NefAZ buses are the use of compressed natural gas, one of the most environmentally friendly types of motor fuel, which significantly reduces the harmful effects on the environment.

"Working as a public transport driver has always been difficult, but when you switch to a new car, you realize how much more comfortable your working day can become. The equipment is equipped with modern systems, which, in turn, allows you to focus on the road and minimize distractions. They have climate control and a soft suspension. This makes trips more comfortable for both us drivers and passengers, which is especially important if you work on a fairly long route," said Alexey Tikhonov, a bus driver.

It should be noted that by the end of 2024, 40 trolleybuses should arrive in Cheboksary as part of subsidizing preferential leasing of JSC GTLK at the expense of the federal budget.

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