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In 2023, over 975 thousand linear meters sidewalks will be built and repaired under the national project

28 Jul 2023

Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Russian regions, not only bring the road surface into a regulatory state, but also equip the transport infrastructure. In particular, much attention is paid to the repair and construction of sidewalks on regional and local roads. Many sections will have footpaths this year for the first time.

«Having sidewalks ― it's a question of pedestrian safety. This year, as part of the implementation of road works under the national project, will be equipped 975.5 thousand linear meters sidewalks, 217.8 thousand linear meters have already been put into operation. Such objects, especially in those places where they did not exist before, are vital», said Igor Kostyuchenko, deputy head of the Federal Road Agency.

So, this road season in the Republic of Buryatia will repair and build about 35 thousand linear meters sidewalks. For the convenience and safety of pedestrians, they will be equipped on sections of the regional network near settlements, as well as on local roads.

More than 1.5 km of sidewalks will be built on the segment between two settlements — Old Onohoy and the village of Onohoy. The latter houses schools, a hospital, kindergartens and shopping centers. Local residents have repeatedly appealed to the district administration with requests to repair the roadway and equip pedestrian paths.

«In our settlement, the problem with the sidewalks has been a long time. Now that they appear, it will become much safer and more comfortable to move», said Irina Ivanova, a resident of the village of Stary Onokhoy.

To date, 1.2 km of sidewalks have already been arranged here. 0.3 km of lighting will be installed in some areas. All work is planned to be completed by the end of the year.

Sidewalks will also appear for the first time in the village of Bolshaya Rechka, Kabansky District. There is a major overhaul of the entrance from the federal highway R-258 "Baikal" to the village of Posolskoye. The pedestrian zone will be arranged along the entire length of the highway passing through the settlement — this is more than 1 km. Traffic on the site is high, in addition, it is a route to the cultural heritage site of Russia — the Embassy Transfiguration Monastery, which was founded in 1681 on the banks of Lake Baikal.

Comfortable and safe conditions for the movement of pedestrians will also create in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. This year over 27 km of sidewalks will be arranged here.

For example, during the overhaul of the entrance from the Terek – Arik – Kuyan highway to the village of Arik along the entire length of Kabardinskaya Street — and this is 2.5 km — pedestrian paths will be built.

«The repair of the central street will give impetus to the development of the village of Arik, will increase the safety and comfort of local residents. We are so glad that on convenient sidewalks our children will now be able to safely get to school», said Zhanneta Taova, a resident of the village.

The contractor plans to complete the entire range of work this summer.

And in the Chereksky district on a section with a length of more than 2 km, which connects the villages of Zhemtala, Zaragizh and Verkhnyaya Zhemtala with the district center — the village of Kashkhatau — a sidewalk is also being built for the first time.

Residents of 8 settlements of the Samara region will not have to move more along the roadway. Sidewalks with a total length of 19.6 km will be built here. The work is provided for in terms of overhaul of regional facilities passing through rural settlements.

Thus, new paths for pedestrians will appear in the settlements of Kinel-Cherkasy, Krasnoarmeyskoye, Bolshoye Mikushkino, Maloye Mikushkino, Lesnoy, Voskresenka, Luzanovka and in the village of New Feizullovo.

The longest object of this year will be located along the Samara – Volgograd – Krasnoarmeyskoye – Pestravka highway. The length of the new sidewalk in the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye will be 5 km. This settlement is the administrative center, 4.6 thousand people live here.

«We, as a community organisation, are constantly monitoring the quality of roadworks. The construction of a sidewalk along Shosseinaya Street in the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye is a necessary measure. The route passing through the village has very heavy traffic, it connects several districts with each other, and is also an understudy of the R-229 federal highway. Due to the lack of a sidewalk, we had accidents, pedestrians suffered», said Vasily Ermakov, chairman of the Public Council of the Krasnoarmeysky District.

They plan to complete the work at the facility in October this year.

New pedestrian paths are being built in the Bryansk region. So, during the overhaul of the section of the Bryansk – Smolensk – Temenichi – Koltovo highway, which passes through the village of Koltovo, sidewalks with a total length of 1.1 km have already appeared. In addition, an indoor stop pavilion was installed here.

«We have never had sidewalks in Koltovo. We are pleasantly surprised by this. They thought that they were only being built in cities. Now we are going to the bus not on the sidelines, but on a brand new asphalt sidewalk!» — said local resident Anna Ivanova.

The facility will be commissioned by the end of the year.

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