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Thanks to the national project this year will update more than 1.1 thousand km of roads to places of tourist survey

13 Jun 2024

Thanks to the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads" initiated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in regions update roads to places of tourist survey: to unique natural complexes, architecture monuments, cult constructions, historical sights. This year about 330 sections of regional and local highways will be brought to a standard state.

"Domestic tourism gives an incentive to development of regions of the country, plays an important social role, influences improvement of quality of life of Russians in general. The qualitative road and transport infrastructure allowing is necessary for its development both to autotourists, and organized groups with comfort to reach any given location. Thanks to implementation of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads" only in 2024 we will lead to standards of 330 sections of the regional and local roads which are a part of tourist routes. Their total length will be 1.1 thousand km", ― the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Roman Starovoyt reported.

Roads on which it is possible to reach to places of tourist survey lead to standards from the very beginning of implementation of the national project.

"Recently in our country the increasing popularity is gained by trailering, tourism of the day off when people for a while leave to other cities and even regions to have a rest, visit sights, to show to children monuments history and architecture. For ensuring availability of places of tourist survey we did a great job: in five years of implementation of the national project over 1.6 thousand road objects with a total length of 8.2 thousand km are updated", ― the deputy head of Federal Highway Agency Igor Kostyuchenko emphasized.

In the Altai region of Altai Krai lead to standards the 14-kilometer site of one of the most popular destinations of the region ― Altayskoye Route – Ai – Turquoise Katun. It is a route to the natural park of Ai in the territory of which there are picturesque landscapes of the foothills with forests, the Katun River and the Lake Aya. Also the road conducts to the Turquoise Katun tourist's complex where the comfortable locations located at the big artificial lake overlooking mountains are built, and one of the most popular objects for visit are the Tavda caves age more than 1.2 million years.

Annually on Altayskoye Route – Ai – Turquoise Katun is passed by thousands of cars therefore the roadbed on subject of the national project is restored according to the most modern standards of safety. The contractor plans to put an object into operation in the middle of July.

"This year Altai is traditionally included into a top of the most popular places for summer holiday of residents of Russia. Respectively, also traffic flow on destinations therefore it is very important to provide a comfortable and safe covering on such routes increases. Implementing significant road projects, we first of all continue to develop our basic network into which also all destinations enter", ― the Minister of Transport of Altai Krai Anton Voronov told.

In Murmansk region this year will complete a roadwork on an entrance to Teriberka. It is one of the most popular destinations of the region and the shortest way to the coast of the Barents Sea. Total length of the road is more than 41 km, earlier it was soil. Now in work at road builders the site of reconstruction (with 10th on the 20th km) and the site of capital repairs (with 20th on the 35th km).

"The large-scale project of reconstruction of an autoentrance to Teriberka ― it not just to lay asphalt, it is harder and harder: the device of road clothes is conducted, cloth level to the required marks rises, complex earthwork, replacement of a culvert system are carried out. Upon completion of reconstruction also the category of the road will exchange. Everything becomes in order that this area became even more available to guests of our region, Teriberka possesses the amazing nature, unique landscapes which so attract tourists", ― the representative of the customer of works, the deputy chief of the Public regional state institution on management of highways of Murmansk region (Murmanskavtodor) Svetlana Petrenko noted.

In the Republic of Crimea repair a 13-kilometer section of the route Belogorsk – Mezhgorye. It is a route to the safari park of Taigang which is located on the bank of the Taygansky reservoir. In the private park on the area of more than 30 hectares of the Crimean foothills there live about 60 African lions. Visitors can watch animals in the conditions of the nature of the Crimea.

Besides, the repaired section of the route passes across the territory of three settlements and connects them to the city of Belogorsk. It is of great importance as conducts to socially important objects for residents of villages and has regular transport connection.

"The main goal of the national project is a systematic improvement in the quality of life of citizens. In the process of implementing its activities in the Republic of Crimea, many tasks are being implemented to modernize the road infrastructure, ensure road safety and develop transport logistics, "said Nikolai Lukashenko, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Crimea.

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