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A section of the Mishukovo-Snezhnogorsk highway is being repaired in the Murmansk region

2 Jun 2023

In the Murmansk region, under the national project «Safe Quality Roads», the Mishukovo-Snezhnogorsk highway is being repaired. The work is carried out in two sections with a total length of 11, 5 km.

This route is important for the region ― it connects ZATO Aleksandrovsk, which includes the cities of Gadzhievo, Polyarny and Snezhnogorsk with the regional center.

In addition, the Mishukovo - Snezhnogorsk road leads to the Center for the Construction of Large-Tonnage Offshore Structures in the village of Belokamenka (Novatek), where the largest production workshop in Russia has been opened. It will collect natural gas liquefaction lines.

Now the contractor has begun the main construction and installation work. They are conducted at once in two areas. On the first section, milling of the old coating is completed, the lower leveling layer of the web is laid.

At the second site, work began on milling the existing coating.

Also, on dangerous sections of the Mishukovo - Snezhnogorsk road, it is planned to install dividing road signal posts, which, due to the presence of reflective elements and a bright white body, are noticeable in fog and the dark. Thanks to these measures, drivers will be able to better navigate the lanes.

All work is planned to be completed this fall.

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