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In the Belgorod region, a modifier based on rubber crumbs is used at the objects of the road national project

6 Sep 2023

Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Veidelevsky District of the Belgorod Region, repair work continues on the section of the Popasny – Rivne highway. In order for the asphalt concrete to be stronger, a special modifier «Unirem» is added to the mixture.

The length of the facility ― 8 km. The contractor has already removed the top worn layer of road pavement and has begun laying new asphalt. «Unirem», made on the basis of devulcanized rubber, is added to the asphalt concrete mixture. This is a loose material that is obtained from spent tires by grinding.

«The introduction of the modifier into the composition of asphalt-concrete mixtures prevents the appearance of deposits and shifts of the coating, gives high resistance to deformation, increases the strength of the coatings during operation under negative temperatures. These properties in the complex increase the quality of the roadway and increase the service life of the road as a whole», ― said Natalya Kutsyna, head of the laboratory control department of the Department of Road Facilities and Transport of the Belgorod Region.

For the first time on the roads of the Belgorod region, Unirem was used in 2010, and since 2017, about 300 tons of this modifier have been used annually to arrange the upper layers of the coating. This year, the supplement is used for the repair of 11 objects.

The repair of the Popasny – Rivne highway was scheduled for next year, but thanks to the funds of advanced funding, they were able to start work this year.

Recall that the Belgorod region received a treasury loan in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles. With these funds, 15 objects of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», the repair of which was scheduled for 2024, will be brought into regulatory condition.

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