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In the Belgorod region, the road to the village of Khokhlovo was repaired ahead of schedule

29 May 2023

In the Valuisky district of the Belgorod region, the repair of the entrance to the village of Khokhlovo was completed ahead of schedule. The work was carried out according to the national project «Safe Quality Roads».

The contractor led to the standard section of the route «New Oskol - Valuyki - Rovenki» - Khokhlovo with a length of 2.4 km. In the process of repair, the base of the road was strengthened with a recycler, two layers of asphalt concrete were laid.

«The quality of stacking is checked using laboratory tests. Specialists come, take cores and evaluate the work that we did on the road», ― said the head of the site Dmitry Kalinin.

Under the contract, the road workers had to complete the work by June 30, but clear planning and favorable weather conditions made it possible to hand over the object a month ahead of schedule. The repair of this site will increase the comfort of movement for a thousand residents of the village of Khokhlovo.

Recall that in 2023, thanks to the national project in the Belgorod region, it is planned to update 107 km, these are 8 sections of regional roads, 64 local ―, as well as 9 artificial structures. The amount of funding will amount to 2.5 billion rubles, of which 1.1 billion ― of the federal budget.

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