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A bridge across the Voloshka River is being repaired in the Arkhangelsk Region

18 Apr 2023

Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Kargopol District of the Arkhangelsk Region, a bridge across the Voloshka River is being repaired. The construction is located on 182 km of the regional route Dolmatovo - Nyandoma - Kargopol - Pudozh.

The bridge over Voloshka ― the longest of all the crossings in the region, which this year lead to the standard this year. Its length is 110 m. Specialists will have to repair supports, pavement, install fencing and signs.

Construction and installation work started in early April. «The contracting organization has begun milling asphalt concrete on half of the roadway. Traffic is organized in one lane», ― said the Minister of Transport of the Arkhangelsk Region Sergey Rodnev.

According to the contract, completion of the work is scheduled for the end of October.

In addition, in 2023, another ― bridge across the Kanaksha River in the Nyandomsky District will be repaired on the Dolmatovo-Nyandoma-Kargopol-Pudozh highway.

In total, in 2023, thanks to the national project, eight artificial structures will be brought into a regulatory state: five of them are on the regional road network, three ― within the urban agglomeration.

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