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In 2023, 13 urban agglomerations will receive 383 vehicles thanks to the national project

1 Mar 2023

Thanks to the implementation of the federal project «Development of public transport» of the national project «Safe high-quality roads», the regions are updating passenger transport. This year, 383 units of new rolling stock will go to 13 urban agglomerations.

«The national project «Safe Quality Roads» solves many important social problems, all of them are interconnected. This is a new comfortable public transport, and repaired roads along which main routes pass. Thus, the road transport infrastructure is updated comprehensively, generally improving the quality of life of people. Since 2020, about 1.5 thousand units of transport have arrived in the regions. This year, another 334 buses will replenish the fleet of Omsk, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Sochi, Orenburg, Ufa, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok and Ryazan. In addition, 32 trolleybuses will receive Bryansk and Kursk. And in Tula, the tram fleet will be updated, 17 new trams will arrive there», said Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

So, in November 2022, 16 new comfortable buses arrived in Chelyabinsk. Since November 1, LiAZ has been operating on one of the main routes that connects the Metallurgical District with South Ural State University. They make 102 flights a day, 85 on weekends. The interval of movement during rush hour is 7 minutes, during the day - 10 minutes, in the evening - no more than 20 minutes. In the first months of work, they transported almost 680 thousand passengers.

«Every day I go to work in the center, I am very glad that they took up transport in the city. There are new, beautiful and spacious buses that are much more comfortable than minibuses. In addition, it is very convenient that there are USB connectors, you can always charge the phone», said Natalya Komarova, a resident of Chelyabinsk.

In 2023, Chelyabinsk will receive 15 more new buses. The peculiarity of this transport is the work on compressed natural gas. This is one of the most environmentally friendly types of motor fuel, its use allows you to significantly reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

«The new buses will be loyal to the ecology of the city. Gas is much more environmentally friendly than traditional fuel, it does not contain particles and sulfur compounds that make up urban smog. It also allows you to significantly reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, heavy hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide», explained Alexey Nechaev, Minister of Roads and Transport of the Chelyabinsk Region.

In Bryansk, «Admiral» trolleybuses have already transported more than 270 thousand passengers. Last year, the urban agglomeration received 14 units of rolling stock. Modern Russian-made machines were delivered to the regional center by the State Transport Leasing Company.

«Admirals» run on one of the most popular routes in Bryansk - «Yurfak BSU - 10th microdistrict». The interval of their movement during rush hour is only 8-10 minutes, at normal times - 20 minutes. All trolleybuses are included in the Smart Transport system. Through a special application in a smartphone, they can be tracked. In addition, 110 electronic boards are installed at the stops, which inform passengers about the time of arrival of municipal transport.

This year, the city transport park of Bryansk will be replenished with 17 more trolleybuses.

About 600 thousand passengers used the new transport in Ulan-Ude. Last year, 59 new gas-powered buses arrived here. With the release of additional rolling stock, the number of complaints from residents of remote areas, where there used to be problems with transport, has significantly decreased.

Thanks to the renewal of the Ulan-Ude fleet, the number of passengers transported on city routes in 2022 increased to 4.6 million people. In 2021, this value was equal to 4 million.

Passengers have already appreciated the quality of new traffic. «Previously, of course, we drove in cramped conditions. And these buses are new, comfortable, spacious and warm. Here our temperature in winter can drop to -35 degrees, but the bus is warm», said Natalya Vershinina, a resident of the Vostochny microdistrict.

In Ulan-Ude in 2023, it is planned to supply another 14 buses.

In Kursk, in the first month of operation of the new transport, more than 550 thousand passengers used it. Recall that 50 new comfortable buses of large capacity entered the urban agglomeration at the end of 2022. They have already made 12.3 thousand flights. Buses run on the three most popular main routes of the regional center: No. 41, No. 46 and No. 50. In January, the regularity of their movement was 96%, and in the first week of February - 99.6%.


The appearance of 50 new buses in the regional center was the beginning of public transport reform in the Kursk region. In the future, it is planned to update all rolling stock.

In 2023, the Kursk city agglomeration will receive 15 new trolleybuses.

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