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In 2022, 16.8 thousand km of roads were repaired under the national project

30 Dec 2022

In 2022, road works took place on 5.9 thousand objects of the national project «Safe Quality Roads», about 16.8 thousand km of roads are given to the standard.

The actual laying area of ​the upper layers of the coating exceeded 135 million square m2. About 420 billion rubles were allocated from the budgets of all levels for the development of regional and local roads.

Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the national project to areas leading to socially significant objects. In 2022, 422 tourist routes with a length of 2.1 thousand km led to the standard. More than 1 thousand road facilities (3.2 thousand km) leading to educational and children's leisure institutions were updated, 181 sections with a length of 725.2 km ― to sports and recreation centers, 726 roads (3.6 thousand km) ― to medical institutions.

Thanks to the national project, new main streets, city bypasses are being built, and artificial structures that are grandiose in scale and significance are being built. So, in 2022, more than 430 bridges located on the regional and local road network were included in the work program. About 30 thousand years managed to bring to the standard. m instead of the planned 16.3 thousand pg. m ― almost 2 times larger.

Also, according to the national project, construction and reconstruction of sections of federal highways is underway. In 2022, such work was carried out on 229 km of Rosavtodor roads, as well as on 60.3 km of toll roads of Avtodor Group of Companies. About 300 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes. federal funds.

Today, one of the priority tasks of the national project is to reduce road accidents. By 2030, mortality rates in road accidents should decrease by 3.5 times. To achieve this goal, measures are envisaged to ensure not only high-quality coverage, but also the arrangement of road infrastructure elements.

To ensure safety at the facilities of the national project in 2022, almost 195 thousand road signs were installed, about 1.4 million pg. m barrier and more than 222 thousand pog. m of pedestrian fencing, about 2.3 thousand traffic lights and 546 thousand pog. m of stationary lighting. Over 21.6 million pogs were applied to the roadway. m markings, and along the roads more than 1.5 million pog were equipped. m sidewalks.

In addition, in order to improve safety, within the framework of the federal project «System-wide measures for the development of roads» in 42 regions, measures were taken to introduce intelligent transport systems. The work was carried out in 49 urban agglomerations. For these purposes, financing was provided in the amount of 7.35 billion rubles.

Another important social task of the national project is the renewal of passenger public transport. These measures have been implemented since 2020. Thanks to the federal project «Development of public transport» in two years, 1,131 vehicles arrived in 19 agglomerations.

In 2022, contracts were concluded for the supply of another 353 units of rolling stock of public transport. For these purposes, more than 2.7 billion rubles. from the federal budget. New buses ― 330 ― cars appeared in the Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Sochi, Kursk and Ulan-Ude agglomerations. In addition, the Novosibirsk and Bryansk agglomerations updated the trolleybus fleet ― put 23 units of transport there.

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