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More than 230 km of federal highways will be built and reconstructed under the national project this year

23 Jun 2022

Extensive work is being carried out in the Russian regions as part of the federal project "Development of the Federal Highway Network" of the national project "Safe Quality Roads".

"By the end of the year, about 230 km of federal highways are to be reconstructed and built, almost all of them free of charge. The road season is in full swing, and now more than 41.6 km of roads have already been commissioned", - said Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

"The purpose of the federal project "Development of the Federal Highway Network" is to increase the level of economic connectivity of the country's territories. Bypasses of large cities are being built, traffic interchanges and artificial structures are being constructed, - said Roman Novikov, Head of the Federal Road Agency. - This year, we will build and reconstruct more than 211 km of free federal highways; we have already put more than 21 km into operation."

Work was also carried out on the road network, which is under the trust management of The State Company Russian Highways. The planned activities for this year have been completed and 20.6 km of toll roads have already been commissioned.

The total financing of all activities under the federal project "Development of the Federal Highway Network" will exceed 282 billion rubles in 2022. It should be noted that these funds are allocated not only for construction and installation works, but also for arrangement of all necessary modern road infrastructure.

So, this year it is planned to finish reconstruction of the section of highway R-22 "Caspian" on the section from 903 to 922 km in Volgograd region. The work has been divided into three phases, the first and second have already been completed.

As of today, 16 km of the route have been commissioned - the section from 906 to 922 km in the Gorodishchensky and Ilovlinsky districts. The carriageway has become twice as wide, four-lane traffic on the 56 km from Volgograd towards Moscow, and the capacity on this section has increased several times and amounts to more than 40000 vehicles per day.

In addition to the main road, other infrastructure facilities have been opened to traffic: a new traffic interchange at km 914 will ensure safe exit from the federal highway to Kachalino and Sady Pridonya. At km 907 and 921, road workers built two single-level U-turns. Two more U-turns, as well as a driveway for agricultural machinery, have been built under the bridge over the river Sakarka.

Traffic lights have been installed to ensure road safety, and a concrete barrier rail has been installed to separate the oncoming traffic on the axis of the roadway. At Km 915 there are two rest areas, one on each side of the roadway.

By the end of 2022, road workers will have to complete the third stage of reconstruction - the section from 903 to 906 km. Another traffic interchange, the second stage of the bridge over the Tishanka River, an overhead pedestrian crossing at Kuznetsov farm and a noise barrier near Krasnodonsky farm will be built.

In the Altai Territory, 5 out of 10 km of the R-256 "Chuisky Tract" road section under reconstruction have been commissioned. The work under the national project runs from 173 to 183 km, the site is located on the border of Talmensky and Pervomaysky districts.

The project involved widening the section to four lanes with turning loops and transition lanes, as well as the construction of a two-level traffic interchange near Ozyorki station. This made it possible to provide safe access to the federal highway for residents of nearby communities. A subway has been built near the village of Ozerki, the oncoming traffic was separated by a metal barrier fence along the road axis, and a car park for heavy vehicles was installed. In addition, new electric lighting lines were installed on the 14 km section.

For the convenience and safety of motorists, traffic on the first 5 km was opened in September 2021. On the centenary of the Chuisky Tract - May 26, 2022 - traffic is opened on the entire road section and the new overpass. Commissioning is scheduled ahead of the deadline - in August 2022.

In November 2022, reconstruction of a section of road R-257 "Yenisei" from 389 to 397 km within the borders of the Republic of Khakassia will be completed. Commissioning of the facility will make it possible to increase the traffic capacity of the road segment to 20000 vehicles per day, which is twice as much as the current indicators.

The project provides for upgrading the road to first category by widening the carriageway from two to four lanes. Construction of an overpass over the Ust-Abakan - Chernogorsk regional road to replace the roundabouts will make it possible to separate traffic flows from the federal highway on different levels. Construction work on the artificial structure has already been completed: the levelling and protective layers of the bridge deck have been laid.

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