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Sverdlovsk region: specialists inspected the quality of repair of the Yekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil - Serov road

5 Jun 2023

In the Sverdlovsk region, employees of the regional Highway Administration checked the progress of the repair of the Yekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil - Serov highway section. The facility with a length of 7 km leads to a standard thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads».

The highway is included in the reference network of highways and connects the two largest cities in the region - Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil. In the summer, it is especially popular with residents who get along this road to garden plots and the lake.

Work at the facility began in May this year, they are planned to be completed in August.

«In road construction, there is a single quality control system for repairs, it includes three stages. First, incoming inspection of materials is carried out. The second stage is operational control, when the customer and the contractor monitor the progress of construction and installation work and compliance with technical parameters. And the acceptance control of individual works and the facility as a whole is completing the cycle», said Vladimir Ogloblin, First Deputy Head of the Highway Department of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Special attention during such inspections is paid to the quality of materials - it is checked in a certified laboratory equipped with modern equipment. The composition of asphalt concrete mixtures for each object is previously agreed. Then samples of materials of the asphalt concrete plant are taken, as well as samples from the road being repaired, which are tested for composition, strength, water resistance and other indicators. Later, specialists select cores from bases and coatings.

«Only system control ensures the quality of the updated canvas. The contractor is also interested in this, since the guarantee for the repaired roads is 5 years», Vladimir Ogloblin emphasized.

Recall that in total in the Sverdlovsk region in 2023, according to the national project, more than 84 km of regional and local roads will be brought to the standard. On regional highways, 13 objects with a total length of more than 61 km will be repaired, in Yekaterinburg - 17 sections of the road network (17.3 km), in Nizhny Tagil ― 5 sections with a total length of 5.4 km.

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