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According to the national project in 2023, 2.3 thousand km of roads to educational and leisure institutions will be repaired

1 Jun 2023

June 1 marks International Children's Day. When implementing the national project «Safe Quality Roads», special attention is paid to routes to children's educational and leisure institutions. This year it is planned to repair 2.3 thousand km of such roads.

«The responsibility for the life and health of children lies primarily with us adults. Of course, it is necessary to convey to them information about strict observance of traffic rules. But it is also in our hands to create an infrastructure for them that will increase safety: equip pedestrian crossings, install traffic lights, barrier fences, signs, etc. All this is included in the set of measures of the national project «Safe Quality Roads». In total, last year, over 3.3 thousand km of roads to children's educational and leisure institutions were updated under the national project», ― said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

During the summer holidays, routes to health camps and tourist centers become especially popular. Some of them have already been repaired in previous years of the implementation of the national project. In the current road season, work will continue - more than 750 sections of roads leading to educational and leisure institutions will lead to standards.

«This year, contractors have 2.3 thousand km of roads to children's educational and leisure institutions. Such facilities ― among the priorities. When forming a list of works for the next road season, such a factor as the location of a school here, for example, is almost decisive», ― said Igor Kostyuchenko, deputy head of the Federal Road Agency.

So, in the Murmansk region this year they will repair the access route to the camp site of the Parus Center for Children and Youth Tourism. The length of the facility ― 5 km.

«This road has high social significance in the region, so it was decided to repair it this year. The tourist center regularly meets pupils of orphanages, students of boarding schools, athletes, as well as excursion tourist groups of educational institutions», ― said Yulia Polyektova, Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Murmansk Region.

On comfortable and safe roads, it will be possible to get to school or health camps, as well as other children's institutions in the Kaluga region.

«In our region this year, 172 km will be brought to the standards according to the national project. We are glad that more than 14 km of them lead to children's leisure and entertainment institutions, as well as camps», ― said the Minister of Transport of the Kaluga Region Vladimir Volochay.

So, in the Ferzikovsky district, a section of the Ferzikovo - Sugonovo road will be repaired, which is a route to the Center for Children's Creativity. Its length is 3 km. Experts will replace the old road surface with a new one, install signs, and apply markings.

Similar works will be held in Maloyaroslavets. Here the road surface on the route to the art school along Paris Commune Street will lead to standards. The length of the section ― 1.1 km.

During the repair of the Kondrovo - Galkino - Ostrozhnoye - Badgers highway, road workers will update Komsomolskaya, Nekrasova, Internatsionalnaya and Lenin streets in Kondrovo. Here are the Dzerzhinsky library, a cultural and leisure center, as well as an art school. A total of 2.3 km of the road network will be repaired.

In Yekaterinburg, the road along Old Bolsheviks Street will be brought to standards. The work will take place on the site from Krasnoflottsev to Kosmonavtov Avenue. Here is the Center for Culture «Elmash» named after Yu. P. Glazkova, on the basis of which various circles and sections work. Next to the building is the Elmashevsky family recreation park and children's art school No. 5, in which over 500 people study.

«At least twice a day I cross a section of the street, going to the Nadezhda kindergarten, where I work as a teacher. Just next to our kindergarten is another children's institution ― art school No. 5. Not so long ago I saw a yellow-black shield with information about the upcoming repair of the street and was glad for all the parents, children of the district. We will move along the repaired road and, I hope, with all the downgrades at the crossings. This is very important for mothers with strollers and the elderly. And at the end of the repair, I am ready to assess the work carried out», ― said Olga Izmodenova, a resident of Yekaterinburg.

In the Omsk region, 8 streets in the urban agglomeration and 6 regional highways leading to children's leisure institutions will be brought into a normative state. The total length of the facilities on which the work will be deployed is almost 60 km.

«For example, a section of the Omsk - Odessa highway - the border of the Republic of Kazakhstan ― a significant object for the region will be repaired. Summer began. On this route there is a children's health camp «Solnechnaya Polyana», ― said Dmitry Pestryakov, First Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Omsk Region.

On the regional network, work will take place on the section of the Syropyatskoye - Kormilovka - Kalachinsk and Omsk - Nizhnyaya Omka highways - the border of the Novosibirsk region. On them you can get to the children's camps «Podsolnuhi" and «Yubileiniy».

Recall: thanks to the national project in the Russian regions, in the period from 2019 to 2022, over 3.2 thousand sections of city streets and regional highways leading to children's educational and leisure institutions were repaired and equipped. At the same time, most of the facilities, as a rule, were commissioned before the start of the school year.

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