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According to the Safe Qualitative Roads national project update entrances to small settlements

11 Jul 2024

In Russia the implementation of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads" initiated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin continues. This year the program of works included more than 5 thousand objects. Special attention is paid to updating of entrances to villages, settlements and villages and also sections of the roads connecting them to regional centers.

"At the request of the President within the new national project "Infrastructure for Life" we define 2 thousand basic settlements for their active development. Their number will include both city agglomerations, and small settlements. At the same time work will be conducted in a complex, for achievement of the best effect. I can tell that the quality of life of people directly depends on a condition of road and transport network. It provides availability of socially important institutions, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals. Besides, it is an incentive for economic development of municipality and improvement of quality of life in it. Thanks to the Safe Qualitative Roads national project we pay attention to updating of roads including small settlements. In total for achievement of indicators of the national project this year we plan to lead nearly 18.7 thousand km of a regional and local road network where including rural roads enter to standards" — the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Marat Khusnullin told.

According to Rosstat, for January 1, 2024 the number of country people in Russia is 36.624 million people. Qualitative roads is an incentive for development of the municipal unit for improvement of quality of life in it.

"Today in Russia more than 145 thousand rural settlements, from them only 106 thousand have communication on roads with a hard coating with network of public roads of the region. For this reason one of the key directions of our activity ― development of roads in the village. The main instrument of this work is the state program "Complex development of rural territories". This year thanks to it will put into operation of 192 road objects" — the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Roman Starovoyt noted.

"This year thanks to the state program "Complex development of rural territories" will put 484 km of roads into operation. In general, during the period from 2021 to 2023 within the state program constructed, reconstructed and repaired 800 km of rural roads", ― the deputy head of Federal Highway Agency Igor Kostyuchenko reported.

Work on reduction to the standards of sites passing across rural territories is conducted also on the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". So, as of the end of June, in 2024 in the Belgorod region repaired 30.6 km of access roads to small settlements. Among them ― the road to the village of Novosoldatka in Krasnensky district. The contractor updated 3.9 km of an asphalt covering, restored water waste constructions, equipped bus stops and the sidewalk.

"Rural roads are a necessary element of logistics. The Belgorod region is the region with the developed agrarian sector. Delivery of agricultural cargoes to places of storage, on elevators or processing enterprises is carried out mainly on highways. Reduction in a standard condition of access roads to agricultural and processing enterprises positively influences area economy" — the minister of highways and transport of the Belgorod region Sergei Yevtushenko told.

In the Vologda region this year will lead over 20 km of such roads to standards. For example, in the Vologda district there is a repair on the 8-kilometer site of an entrance to the settlement of Fedotovo. Road builders already suited the basis, the leveling and lower layers of a new asphalt concrete covering. Later here will strengthen roadsides, will put a marking, equip bus stops with autopavilions, will establish alarm columns and a barrier protection.

"Repair of roads in villages ― is not just new and quality asphalt, it is investment into the future. It is an opportunity for inhabitants of rural areas to get access to high-quality medical services, education, work and also to keep communication with the outside world. It is chance of prosperity and comfortable life, of development which does the village attractive to life", ― the head of the department of road economy of the Vologda region Dmitry Borisov noted.

In the Yaroslavl region this year, about 20 km of access roads to villages and villages will be updated. Among the completed facilities - 6.5 km of the route from Semibratov to the village of Vakhrushevo and the village of Novo-Nikolskoye in the Rostov region. "The road is classified as rural, but it is important for us that people move comfortably around the region at any point. Residents of the Rostov region drive along it, there is public transport and a school bus. The progress of work and the materials used at all stages were checked by experts from technical supervision and specialized laboratories. Now "Governor's Control" will inspect the facility throughout the entire warranty period, "said Mikhail Evraev, Governor of the Yaroslavl Region.

During the repair on the site, the road surface was updated, the shoulders were strengthened, a barrier fence was installed on dangerous sections, road signs were replaced and thermoplastic markings were applied.

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