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More than 918 billion rubles have been allocated to Rosavtodor for the development of the country's roads in 2022

13 Jul 2022

Today, on July 13th in the Republic of Mari El a meeting with the heads of territorial road administrations of the Volga Federal District on the topic "Road Funds in the Russian Federation: Tasks and Prospects for 2022 - 2024" was held. The event was organised by the Russian Association of Territorial Road Authorities "RADOR". The discussion was attended by Roman Novikov, Head of the Federal Road Agency; Igor Kostyuchenko, Deputy Head of Rosavtodor; Renat Gaynetdinov, Deputy Director of the State Policy Department for Road Facilities under the Russian Ministry of Transport; Yury Zaitsev, Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El; as well as representatives of the “Volgo-Vyatskupravtodor” Federal State institution, the “ROSDORNII” Federal Autonomous Institution, the State Traffic Inspectorate, the public and others.

One of the key topics of discussion was the issue of road infrastructure development in the current economic situation.

In his welcoming speech, the head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Novikov noted that this year the road industry has been provided with unprecedented funding. In particular, as part of the budget implementation in the first half of the year, the budget increased from 756 billion rubles to 918 billion rubles.

"It is the maximum amount of the budget allocated by the Federal Road Agency for implementation of all road construction programmes in all directions of expenses: national and federal projects. We strongly believe that this is not the final point", - emphasised the Head of the Federal Road Agency.

He also focused on the implementation of the five-year road activity plan, which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1601-r dated 20.06.2022.

"The strategic document of the greatest power allows us to concentrate all resources on the implementation of the objectives set for us. First of all, this is the acceleration of work on bringing up to 50% of regional highways and up to 85% of urban agglomerations roads into a normative state. This program also includes a new task related to the work that we have carried out together with the regions ― the formation of a backbone network of the Russian Federation. Its length was 138 thousand km. As part of the five-year plan, it is necessary to bring 85% of the roads of the backbone network into a normative state."

During the meeting, Igor Starygin, General Director of the "RADOR" Association, reported on the main results of the development of the road sector in the regions of the Russian Federation and prospects for 2022-2024, and also spoke about key aspects of the road industry: implementation of the national project "Safe Quality Roads" and the achievement of all its indicators, the issue of ensuring the safety of highways and roads, as well as monitoring the state of affairs in the road economy of the regions of the country.

In videoconference mode, Renat Gainetdinov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Road Management of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, reported on the progress of the implementation of the national project "Safe Quality Roads". In his speech, he paid special attention to bringing artificial constructions into a normative state.

"This year the regions have started to meet the targets. Together with Rosavtodor, we conducted an analysis of the work being carried out and we see that our target is significantly exceeded. As a result, 37 km of bridges will be brought into a normative state with a plan of 16 km", - noted Renat Gainetdinov.

In total, work is planned on 489 bridge structures on the territory of the regions of the Russian Federation in 2022. 32.4 billion rubles have been allocated for these measures, of which 21.5 billion rubles are federal support funds.

Igor Kostyuchenko, Deputy Head of Rosavtodor, delivered a report on the organisation and quality management within the scope of the federal project "Regional and Local Road Network" via videoconference. He recalled that 2022 has been declared the Year of Quality in the Road Sector, and special attention is being paid to this issue today.

"By the concept of quality, we understand not only the transport and operational condition of roads, not only the results of construction and installation activities, but first of all management issues. Because quality is a fundamental principle that should become the main one in our activities. This is both a production discipline and a financial discipline, and, as a consequence, it is the result of work that will be evaluated by road users", - Igor Kostyuchenko said.

The Deputy head of Rosavtodor spoke about the first results of the functioning of the updated quality management system, which was launched in pilot mode in three subjects of the Russian Federation. He stressed that the program is designed to ensure the timely formation of road activity plans in the regions based on reliable data on the transport and operational condition of highways, improving the quality of work planning, timely conclusion of state contracts in compliance with regulatory legal acts and requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

"The updated quality system for the organisation and production of works, as well as effective process management will allow us to minimise the existing risks and clearly structure the tasks for the development of the country's road network", - Igor Kostyuchenko summed up.

The head of the Volga-Vyatskupravtodor Federal State Institution Ildar Mingazov told about the interaction of federal and territorial road authorities in the implementation of the national project "Safe Quality Roads". He stressed that the curators of the Federal State Institution carry out regular visits to all road construction facilities of the national project implemented on the territory of the subordinate regions of the country.

"We are checking the quality of construction and installation work performed by contractors in terms of the parameters of asphalt concrete coatings, technologies for the construction of elements of road structures. Inspection reports are being drawn up indicating comments with subsequent photo-video fixation of violations", - said Ildar Mingazov.

Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El Yuri Zaitsev, stressed that the development of the road network is a priority for the region among the main socio-economic directions.

"We are moving confidently in this direction. I express my deep gratitude to the Government of the Russian Federation for their attention to our region and support in such an important sphere of the economy as road construction", - Yuri Zaitsev said.

Summing up the meeting, the head of Rosavtodor stressed that today in the road industry, work with the public and feedback from the population occupies a very important place. Thus, according to the results of a study conducted in December 2021 by the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre, 49% of residents of Russian regions are satisfied with the quality and accessibility of roads in the country, and also note improvements in road transport infrastructure. Roman Novikov noted that in the Republic of Mari El, this figure is significantly higher than the national average, and is 61%.

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