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More than 600 km of roads leading to sports facilities will be updated according to the national project in 2023

6 Jul 2023

According to the national project «Safe Quality Roads», measures are ongoing to bring road sections leading to sports facilities to the standards. Now most of them are undergoing active road work.

«Thanks to the national project «Safe Quality Roads», this year we will repair, reconstruct and build about 18 thousand km of roads throughout the country. This will also increase the transport accessibility of residential areas and important infrastructure facilities. For example, in 2022, over 700 km of roads leading to sports institutions were brought into regulatory condition, this season we plan to update more than 600 km. In our part, we are doing everything to maintain interest in sports so that it is massive, accessible and in demand by Russians», ― said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

One of the key tasks of the national project is to improve road safety, which is why work is carried out comprehensively. As a rule, at objects, in addition to repairing the roadway, pedestrian crossings are arranged, traffic lights, barriers, road signs are installed, markings are applied.

«This year, in the regions participating in the national project, more than 180 objects leading to sports institutions will be brought into a normative state. These are not only sections of the road network, but also sections of significant regional highways that help to get comfortably to stadiums, fitness centers and sports schools», ― said Igor Kostyuchenko, deputy head of the Federal Road Agency.

So, in Blagoveshchensk, a 2.1 km long section of Lenin Street is brought into a normative state. This is a route to the Amur Stadium and the regional sports training center. On the site from Mukhin Street to school number 22, the base of the road has already been laid, two layers of asphalt and a curb have been arranged, stops have been updated, markings have been applied. In addition, the parking lot was updated and expanded.

«Of course, we are very grateful to the city administration and the contractors who made us such beauty. This is also safety for children: no one will be dropped off on the roadway, as happened before when the «car is on the car». The new parking will make it a little easier for our parents to bring children», said Lyudmila Goloshumova, director of school № 22.

The second stage of repair will take place on a section of the road from the school towards Nagornaya Street. Road workers will update the site at 750 m, the work is planned to be completed before the beginning of the school year.

In the Kirov region this year, almost 60 km of roads leading to sports facilities will be repaired. In particular, in the capital of the region, they lead to travel standards from Sverdlov Street to Sutyrin Street - this is a route to the Olympic Reserve Sports School № 3. More than 800 children are engaged in it. For a long time the road was in poor condition. This year it was included in the repair plan for the national project. The same road leads to the ski sports complex Kirovsky springboard.

Specialists have already replaced road clothes, installed side stones, made junctions and exits, applied markings, installed signs. Improvement work is underway.

«My family loves sport: both sons go to sections after school. With my wife and children, we ski and skate on weekends in winter, and in summer we ride bicycles, walk, swim. And for me, as a family car driver, transport accessibility to such facilities is important. I am sincerely glad that for several years in the Kirov region they have been repairing broken areas that caused irritation and discomfort», said Yuri Rogachev from Kirov.

In addition, this year in the Kirov region will repair sections of roads in Nolinsky, Nemsky, Urzhumsky districts, along which schoolchildren go to winter and summer sports competitions.

«This year we give priority to roads in the districts of the region: people, wherever they live, should receive social benefits — access to hospitals, leisure facilities, sports facilities. It is important that when distributing funds for the implementation of the national project, the wishes of residents are taken into account», said the Minister of Transport of the Kirov Region Alexei Petryakov.

Roads to sports facilities are also being updated in the Leningrad Region. Thus, a section of the Zelenogorsk — Primorsk — Vyborg highway is being repaired. Its length is 15 km. The road passes through Primorsk, where the city's municipal sports center and sailing school are located. Two layers of new asphalt concrete pavement will be laid at the facility, shoulders will be strengthened, culverts will be replaced and new signs will be installed. They plan to complete the work a year earlier — this summer.

In addition, in the Lomonosov district, experts will update 13 km of the Strelna-Kipen-Gatchina highway. The work will take place from the border with St. Petersburg almost to Olikov through Novopolye and Gorbunki, as well as on a segment through Malye Gorki, Bolshye Gorki towards Kipeni. This is a route to two equestrian clubs — Novopolye and Olympus. Now the contractor has begun milling the old canvas.

«The repair is carried out ahead of schedule: its term is calculated for the next year by a state contract. At the request of residents, an opportunity was found to make it earlier so that motorists would appreciate the updated track this summer. A healthy lifestyle is the basis of the basics, so it is important that the path to circles and sections is fast and safe», said Denis Sedov, Chairman of the Committee on Road Facilities of the Leningrad Region.

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