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Thanks to the national project, about 1.7 thousand kilometres of roads to tourist sites will be repaired in 2022

8 Apr 2022

This year the regions participating in the national project "Safe Quality Roads" will continue large-scale work to bring roads leading to popular tourist sites and attractions into a normative state.

"Over the three years of its existence, the national project "Safe Quality Roads" has made a huge contribution to the development of domestic tourism. Many tourist sites have become more accessible, they can now be reached more quickly and comfortably. More than 800 facilities of the street and road network leading to local attractions have been brought into a normative state in the regions. And their total length is more than 4000 km", - said Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

This work will continue in the new road season. The programme of measures under the national project includes 345 sections of highways and streets.

"Domestic tourism can become one of the effective tools for stimulating the economy in the regions. That is why it is important for road builders to provide comfortable and safe road access to tourist places. By the end of the year we plan to repair about 1.7 thousand km of roads leading to tourist places", - said Roman Novikov, Head of the Federal Road Agency.

So, in the Altai Territory in the coming road construction season within the scope of the national project "Safe Quality Roads" it is planned to repair seven sections of roads to tourist attractions and recreation areas.

In particular, 9.4 km long section of Zmeinogorsk - Rubtsovsk - Volchikha - Mikhailovskoye - Kulunda - Burla - Novosibirsk region border road between Slavgorod and Bursol settlement, one of the gems of the lake region, will be repaired. It is located near the famous Burlinskoye Lake, which attracts tourists from all over Russia in the summer.

Experts will also repair 9.3 km of the Sovetskoye - Urozhaynoye - Shulgin Log road between Sovetskoye village and Semiletka settlement. The route is in demand among tourists, and during the winter season traffic increases: there is a tourist route to the unfrozen Svetloe Lake, the only place in Altai where swans come for wintering.

In the Republic of Karelia work will also continue this year to bring the roads leading to tourist sites into a standard condition. In particular, the contractor will upgrade 40 km of the road Medvezhyegorsk - Tolvuya - Velikaya Guba, which provides access to the museum-preserve "Kizhi", included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Last year a 37 km section of the republican road was repaired. The entire transport direction will be updated by 2023.

Also in Prionezhye the last section of Solomennoye - Yalguba - Suisar road, 11 km long, will be repaired - it is part of the road to the Yalgora ski centre; in Olonets district works will continue on the regional road Olonets - Pyatkyaranta - Leppyasilta, leading to popular recreation places in the Ladoga region. In addition, a bicycle path of more than 11 km will be built along the Petrozavodsk - Lososinnoye regional road.

In the Kostroma region, roads leading to tourist sites will also continue to be upgraded in 2022. The plan is to repair the 5.1 km long road to the village of Markovo in Ostrovsky District. The road leads to the Shchelykovo memorial and nature museum-preserve, associated with the life and work of playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. This cultural heritage site attracts tourists from all over the country. It has been decided to bring the area to a standard condition in anticipation of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, which will take place in 2023.

In addition, the Yelizarovo-Kologriv road will continue to be repaired. The main road of the Kologrievo district leads to the "Goose Floodplain" nature reserve, where wild geese stop for spring staging and where the annual environmental festival "Goose Day" is held. The road also leads to the "Kologrievo Forest" nature reserve where the only relict taiga in Europe, which has never been burned or cut down, has been preserved. The number of people who want to visit these interesting places is growing every year.

"Thanks to the implementation of the national project, on the one hand, we create conditions for improving the quality of life of our countrymen, and on the other hand, we contribute to improving transport accessibility to local attractions and give an impetus to tourism development", - said Evgeny Kananin, Director of the Transport and Road Management Department of the Kostroma Region.

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