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Thanks to the national project, road builders have upgraded a third of tourist routes scheduled for repair in 2022

27 Jul 2022

During the first three years of the implementation of the national project "Safe Quality Roads" in the regions of the country, more than 800 sites of the road network leading to local attractions have been brought into a normative state. Their total length was more than 4 thousand km. Large-scale works to renovate popular tourist routes continue this year as well.

"Special attention is being paid to the development of domestic tourism in our country. Therefore, road builders face an important task — to ensure comfortable and safe travel to tourist sites. This year about 1.7 thousand km of such roads will be brought into a normative state within the scope of the national project "Safe Quality Roads". Now active construction and installation works are being carried out at the sites, and one third of the tourist routes planned for repair this year have already been renewed", - said Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Marat Khusnullin.

"Travelling in Russia is gaining in popularity, and this is not surprising - our country, with its centuries-long history, is rich in unique architectural monuments, and due to its geographical location there are many different nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and picturesque landscapes. Thanks to the national project Safe Quality Roads" routes to the favourite places of travellers are becoming more accessible - only this year 345 sections of tourist routes will be brought into a normative state", - Head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Novikov said.

So, in the Tver region 15 km of road R-132 "Golden Ring" - Shchekoldino was repaired 1,5 months ahead of the deadline stipulated by the contract. It is located in the Zubtsovsky district, south of Zubtsov, and runs along the Vazuza and Osuga rivers. The route is of great importance to residents and visitors of the region: it connects the settlements of Vazuza rural settlement and provides their connection to Zubtsov and the federal road R-132. It also serves as a route for school and passenger buses, it leads to the waterworks, which is the beginning of the Vazuza reservoir. There is also a tourist route to the Church of the Sign of Our Lady on the banks of the Osuga River.

In the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region, under the national project "Safe Quality Roads" the route to Kolokolnaya Gora, where the memorial "Unconquered Height" is located, was repaired. This is one of the central memorial sites at the Oranienbaum bridgehead: during the Great Patriotic War, it was from here that Operation January Thunder started, which was designed to liberate Leningrad from the Fascist blockade. In the centre of the composition is a 13-metre high monument, "105.3", the figures denote the height above sea level. The complex itself was erected in 2005 to coincide with the 60th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. The entire length of the road - 3.5 kilometres - from Gostilitsy to the memorial has been repaired.

In the Krasnodar region, thanks to the national project, Lenin Avenue in Novorossiysk has been brought into a normative state. The road leads to the Aleksino beach and a yacht club, as well as to many socially important facilities, for example, the Sipiagin Palace of Creativity and Youth, where children from all over the city and the suburbs study.

The main part of the 1.5 km long highway was repaired and commissioned at the end of May 2022. Understanding the social importance of the highway, the local authorities decided to continue work on the remaining half-kilometre stretch of Lenin Avenue from Molodezhnaya Street to Yuzhnaya Street.

Road works continue in Suzdal in the Vladimir region, which has already been noticeably transformed thanks to the national project "Safe Quality Roads". This year, in the city of the "Golden Ring", they continued to repair Lenin Street: a 1.3 km long section is being brought up to standard. There are a lot of landmarks and architectural monuments, as well as hotel complexes and guest houses there. The site of this year's renovation passes by the Red Square, located in the heart of the city, next to the Deposition of the Robe Monastery, and also near the walls of the Monastery of Saint Euthymius, which is on UNESCO's world heritage list. It should be noted that last year, according to the national road project, a section of about 2 km from the intersection with the western bypass of the city to the building 65 was repaired and refurbished. In addition, a traffic light facility at the intersection of Lenin and Kremlevskaya Streets was replaced.

And in the regional centre of the Vladimir region - the city of Vladimir - road works on two sections of the central highway - Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street - were completed. This year, 1.2 km of asphalt pavement has been renewed, and the remaining work is to be done on landscaping. This is the first and oldest thoroughfare that runs through the historic centre of Vladimir. It is a part of the Moskovskaya Road, the former "Vladimirka", which begins from the Golden Gate and runs to Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Traditionally, it was the centre of administrative, commercial, cultural city life. The basic sights of Vladimir are located along or nearby the street which runs parallel to Klyazma and railway.

Let's remind, in total thanks to the national project "Safe Quality Roads" in 84 regions of the country this year more than 16 thousand km of a road network will be brought to the standard.

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