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Rosavtodor announces the All-Russian creative competition «Road Navigator»

«Information Center for Highways «INFORMAVTODOR» of the Federal Road Agency» (Federal State Unitary Enterprise «INFORMAVTODOR») announces the holding of the annual All-Russian competition for journalists «Road Navigator» for the best coverage in the media, social media and the blogosphere of the development of the road industry. 

Editorial offices, journalists of federal and regional media, road organizations (legal entities) who maintain profile accounts in social networks or have posted a thematic video on a YouTube channel about the roads of the Russian Federation can take part in the competition.

At the competition, you can submit text materials of various genres (including publication cycles, information collections), photographic materials, radio and television stories, longreads, videos (published / published / posted in news feeds of informational publications, on YouTube channels) that were published no earlier than January 1, 2020 and no later than September 15, 2021.

The competition is held in the following nominations:

  • «Energy of Roads» — the best article dedicated to the development of the road network (for Internet and print media)
  • «Safe Way» — the best TV story or the best TV program on improving road safety.
  • «Road Business» — the best radio material or the best radio program on the development of the road network.
  • «Road Evolution» — the best photo report dedicated to technologies in the field of road management, the process of improvement and development of road facilities.
  • «Road Time» — the most creative post on the social network in the road sphere.
  • «All the way» — the best long read article dedicated to the development of the road network, the history of the creation of roads, professions and people of the industry.
  • «Roads For People» — the best information Internet project/portal in the road sector.
  • «Safe journey» — the best video on YouTube about the roads of the Russian Federation

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until September 15, 2021 (inclusive) at konkurs@infad.ru. The application must specify the author's full name, pseudonym (if any), the name of the media, the nomination of the competition, email address, contact phone numbers. Collective applications (co-authors, TV groups, etc.) must contain information about all authors. Applications from editorial offices, organizations must contain the name of the media or organization.

Phone for additional information +7 (495) 747-91-25.

Awards and diplomas will be presented to the winners of the competition at the international specialized exhibition «The Road - 2021», which will be held in Sochi on October 12-14.

Regulations on the All-Russian creative competition, edicated to the results and prospects of the development of the road industry among the industry community and the media